Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LULAC - Margaret Moran, Rosa Rosales, Manuel Rendon, Mickie Luna Illegally Serving a Fifth Term

The Editor:  The Editor has just picked up the last piece of the puzzle regarding the situation in LULAC at the present time.
Margaret Moran, Rosa Rosales, Manuel Rendon and Mickie Luna are going to serve a fifth  term in LULAC.
The meeting this past Saturday in D.C. was attended by members of the old LULAC board and members of the new LULA board.  The meeting was chaired by Margaret Moran.
With Moran running the meeting, she informed the people attending that the old board would meet.  The old Board, that is, the old National Executive Committee, the 13 persons who hold nationally elective office in LULAC, would be meeting and voting.
The continuation of the old National Executive Committee continues with the same officers when there are no elections:
VIII. National Officers. Section 6. Tenure of Elected Office. Subsection b. In case of failure of the National Assembly to convene for any reason, or in case of failure of the National Assembly to have the established quorum to transact business, the duly elected and appointed National Officers shall continue in office until such time as the National Assembly convenes or is qualified to elect new officers.
The assumption by members of the Executive Committee who have not been termed out was that Margaret Moran, Rosa Rosales, Manuel Rendon and Mickie Luna would create vacancies since their four year tenure in LULAC had reached four years on Saturday, July 12, 2014.
VIII. National Officers. Section 6. Tenure of Elected Office. Subsection c. A National Officer may serve in the same office for four terms, consecutively or intermittently, if duly elected to such office, but in no case may an officer be elected to the same office for more than four one-year terms. Any move to draft or otherwise impose on the League a person who has exhausted his eligibility to hold the same office for more than the stipulated terms shall be deemed a gross violation of this Constitution.
The assumption of most veteran LULAC'ers and LULAC parliamentary experts is that tenure in LULAC for any office is four years.  Section 6, above, states it very clear...:"but in no case may an officer be elected to the same office for four year one year terms."
Section 6, above, also states that LULAC'ers may not "move to draft or otherwise impose on the league a person who has exhausted his eligibility to hold the same office for more than the stipulated terms.  The Constitution cautions at the end of Section 6 that doing so "shall be deemed a gross violation of this Constitution."
Everybody thought that Moran, Rosales, Rendon and Luna were attending this meeting of the LULAC National Executive Committee as their last meeting so that their replacements could be voted on.
Well it turns out that Moran, Rosales, Rendon and Luna plan to stay in their officer positions in LULAC until the elections of 2015.
What do you think will happen in 2015?  The elections will be cancelled because a mountain goat in Utah put his horns into Luis Vera's rear end and kicked him down a hill.
And the elections in Washington, D.C. in 2016, the elections will be cancelled because Luis Vera forgot his glasses in San Antonio.
Is this what LULAC has evolved into, a major Latino civil rights organization that borders on civil rights and voting rights abuses of its own members?
Nothing will be done.  The National Executive Committee met on Saturday and Rendon and Morin hee and hawed throughout the 5 hours of meeting playing one side against the other.  Mickey Luna is with Moran and Rosa, as is Eduardo Urteaga, as is Ana Valenzuela-Estrada.  Maggie Rivera has Elsie Valdes, Roman Rodriguez, Baldo Garza, Ralina Cardona and Juan Carlos Lizardi.

Moran has 5 solids and Maggie has 6 solids.

Rendon and Darryl are bidding their time, not wishing to side with anyone for any length of time.

A move might be made to bring in Roger Rocha by having Rendon exit the Committee.  Margaret does not have the votes to make it happen.

The word has it that Margaret, Rosa, Vera and Escobar want immunity from LULAC prosecution in order to bow out of office.

The LULAC Constitution does say in clear language that when elections are not held, the officers in place continue.  The Constitution also states in clear terms that there is a four year limit as an officer in LULAC.  It further cautions LULAC officers that any attempt to impose an officer onto LULAC for a time beyond the four year time "shall" be considered a gross violation of the LULAC Constitution.

You should email these termed out LULAC officers that its time to go.  The consequences of staying beyond a four year tenure are ground for impeachment.  The four individuals are illegally occupying officies that each has termed out of

National President  -  Margaret Moran

Immediate Past National President  -  Rosa Rosales

National Vice President for Youth - Manuel Rendon

National Vice President for the Farwest  -  Mickie Solorio Luna

Email each one over and over.  Tell them to "Hit the road Jack, your time is up."

These officers need to leave manana so that replacements can be voted on.

Once they leave, each one, Moran, Rosales, Rendon and Luna, needs to be impeached for violating Section 6 of Article VIII of the LULAC Constitution in trying to engineer ways to continue in office past their 4 year tenures.

Luis Vera and Manuel Escobar should be removed from office for being the most greedy people on the face of LULAC earth.

Staying in office after termed out creates serious problems for LULAC.  What happens to the officer in his/her fourth year?  Does that year not count?  Could they not argue that the continuation year in office does not count.

This business of shutting down the Texas convention in 2013 was bound to be repeated.  So it happened again in New York City.  In both place, the Machine did not have the votes to win, so they just shut down the convention.

This cheating will usher LULAC into a new era of gross cheating, where LULAC'ers will always wonder if the close down the convention trick will be played out again, in California, in Arizona, in Texas, again, or at another National LULAC Convention.

What are we teaching young LULAC'ers,..."how to cheat?"  How to cheat and win?  How to cheat and win and get away with it.

If these four termed out national officers do not resign, there will be hell to pay.  These four individuals represent a dictatorship in LULAC.  They are being counseled by Luis Vera and Manuel Escobar that what they are doing is right, that the problem will work itself out in due time.

If you like dictatorships, do nothing.  If you despise what these four individuals are doing, it is time to speak out.

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