Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LULAC - Thieves Never Sleep

The Editor: Thieves never rest, so the saying goes.  After they finish committing one crime, they are busy plotting the next one.
Everybody knows the theft of the LULAC convention by Luis Vera in New York City this past Saturday, July 12, 2014, when he announced to the 1,625 delegates present that he was cancelling the LULAC convention.  LULAC, Margaret Moran and Manuel Escobar had just been served with a TRO secured by Eduardo LaGuerre, State Director of New York LULAC restraining them from using Rule 12 and 21 in the National LULAC Convention of the LULAC National Assembly.  The purpose of the restraining order was to allow the National Assembly, the 1,625 delegates, meeting in New York City, to be able to ask for a roll call vote, which was prohibited by Rule 12, and not getting expelled from LULAC for challenging rulings by the Election Judge during the election of national officers, which was compelled by the wording of Rule 21.  The Convention was never formally adjourned.  Luis Vera just shut it down.  He knew that his candidate, Roger Rocha, and the Machine's slate of candidates, were going to lose, so he just shut down the convention.  The TRO did not restrain the continuation of the LULAC convention.  But give a crook any reason to change the rules of the games and they are the first ones out the door.  Margaret Moran abandoned the General Assembly.  She left the assembly area at 11:30 Am.  Vera cancelled the convention at 2:16 PM.  The Rocha delegates never returned to the assembly floor after a break that Vera announced at 12;33 PM.  The Maggie Rivera delegates, all 825 of them did return, continued the convention and elected officers for every national officer position.
By the next day, Margaret Moran issue her stupid status quo letter, blaming everybody for the fiasco and said that everything was status quo.  Surely the letter had some meaning.
The past few days have had a lot of flurry.  Darryl Morin was so Darryl Morin that he did his Darryl Morin skid and resigned on Tuesday.  On Thursday, he did his other Darryl Morin skid and rescinded his resignation.  A meeting was scheduled for members of the LULAC National Executive Committee for this Saturday in Washington, D.C.
According to the LULAC Constitution:
VIII. National Officers. Section 6. Tenure of Elected Office. Subsection b. In case of failure of the National Assembly to convene for any reason, or in case of failure of the National Assembly to have the established quorum to transact business, the duly elected and appointed National Officers shall continue in office until such time as the National Assembly convenes or is qualified to elect new officers.

The is the status quo language Margaret Moran was referring to.
The LULAC Constitution is always on the lookout for crooks in the organization so the earlier amenders of the constitution wrote up  a strict limitation on how long a LULAC officer may hold office and encapsulated it in:
VIII. National Officers. Section 6. Tenure of Elected Office. Subsection c. A National Officer may serve in the same office for four terms, consecutively or intermittently, if duly elected to such office, but in no case may an officer be elected to the same office for more than four one-year terms. Any move to draft or otherwise impose on the League a person who has exhausted his eligibility to hold the same office for more than the stipulated terms shall be deemed a gross violation of this Constitution.
The second sentence applies to thieves and crooks who try to draft or otherwise impose on the League a person who has exhausted his eligibility to hold the same office for more than the stipulated terms.  The sentence ends with the warning, ...shall be deemed a gross violation of this Constitution.
The LULAC Constitution consists of 95 pages.  There are 490 words per page on the average.  Multiplying 95 pages by 490 words equals 46,550 words.
The word "gross" is found only one time in the 46,550 words that make up the LULAC Constitution.
Trying to serve more than four years in office, is a gross violation of the constitution.  The proponents of this amendment to the LULAC Constitution feared tyrants and despots.  Their forefathers saw it in Mexico during the era of Porfirio Diaz who was a dictator for 25 years, a dictatorship that led to the bloody Mexican Revolution in 1910 that saw as many as 1 million people killed in the conflict and gave rise to a constitution that sets Presidential tenure to one 6 year term. 
So this meeting is scheduled for this Saturday of the national officers who continue in office as a result of the National Convention not having had elections as determined by the crooks and who shows up to the meeting in Washington, all the crooks whose term ended on Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 2:33 PM.
According to Luis Vera and Manuel Escobar, these four termed out national officers continue on the National Executive Committee:
Margaret Moran - National President
Rosa Rosales  -  Immediate Past National President
Manuel Rendon -  National Vice President for Young Adults
Mickie Solorio Luna -  National Vice President for Young Adults

According to the LULAC Constitution, termed out means termed out.  It is a gross violation of the LULAC Constitution to attempt to create language to keep a LULAC officer in office past the terms limited by the Constitution.

So who do you think ended up running the meeting?  You guessed it, Margaret Moran.  And who is there to back her up...Rosa Rosales,  An who is there to give them aid and comfort, Manuel Rendon and the "I resign, no I rescind, no I'm confused, no I don't know what I'm doing, no tell me what to do, no tell me what to say, the lighter than a corn flake," Darryl Morin.  And of course, the other parts of the Machine, Frank Urteaga and Mickie Luna.

These four term-out people are despots and tyrants.  They are the LULAC thieves, not of the night, but of the day.  They are like gangsters with their attorneys clearing any obstacles that might get in the way.  They are grossly violating their terms in office.  One year is 365 days.  Four years is 1,460 days.  Ya. It's over.  Finished.  Kaput.  These four crooks are 7 days past their term in office by today.


The way the political numbers stack up in the National LULAC Executive Committee, seven national officers on the National Executive Committee form part of the Machine and 6 form the opposition, led by Maggie Rivera.
1.National President Margaret Moran
2. Immediate Past National President Rosa Rosales
3. National Vice President for Youth Ana Valenzuela Estrada
4. National Vice President for Elderly Frank Urteaga
5. National Vice President for Young Adults Manuel Rendon
6. National Vice President for the Farwest Mickie Solorio Luna
7. National Vice President for the Midwest Darryl D. Morin
1. National Treasurer Maggie Rivera
2. National Vice President for Women Elsie Valdes
3. National Youth President Roman Rodriguez
4. National Vice President for the Southwest Baldo Garza
5. National Vice President for the Northeast Ralina Cardona
6. National Vice President for the Southeast Juan Carlos Lizardi
In spite of this alignment, nothing happened at the meeting today regarding the major task at hand, the filling in of vacant positions for the termed out.  The Machine could not get its ducks in line.  So they are going to meet again on the 9th of August.  The Machine might have the votes.  They have 7 out of 13.  Maggie's people have 6 out of 13.  In filling vacancies, the National Executive Committee can appoint any LULAC'er who meets the time in office requirement, but the National President has to come from within the officers who hold VP positions in LULAC.  Rosa cannot,  neither can Moran.  flakey Darryl could, but he wouldn't, could he, maybe, don't know, possible, probable, resign, rescind, etc., Luna, maybe, wishy-washy Rendon, too nino, then there is Ana Valenzuela Estrada, too fea and Frank Urteaga, muy viejo. Wow, what a choice.
It seems that the termed out, like a dead cadaver who wants to attend his own funeral, want to participate in the vote to fill in their replacement.  What a cozy world.  The dead attend their velorio, attend the night of the rosary, attend the mass at their funeral, help lower their casket into the ground and gather at the post funeral meal to partake of some fine food, some wine, maybe a beer or two, some tea and punch and then say farewell.
That is what you have in Moran, Rosales, Rendon (so young and already climbing in bed with the professional crooks) and Luna, they insist that they want to attend their funeral.
The LULAC Constitution should mean something.  A gross violation should mean something.  Trying to attend your own funeral is a gross violation of the LULAC Constitution.
That must be the reason God calls you up, many time without a warning, so you can not go back with your eraser in hand and try to erase the bad ways of your life, take a final shower, shave yourself, pretty yourself up.  When its over, its over.  That is what God says.
That is what the LULAC Constitution says, when you are termed out, you are termed out.  Which is it that you do not understand, term or out or the two words when you use them together, termed out?
At the start of the meeting, Manuel Escobar served a Temporary Restraining Order on Maggie Rivera, Ralina Cardona and Baldo Garza.  Others to be served later include Ray Mancera, Rick Dovalina and Eduardo LaGuerre (New York State LULAC Director.  The TRO restrains the defendants from attempting to represent themselves as officers of LULAC based on the elections of this past Saturday in New York City.  The TRO also orders that the status quo stands.
The hearing on that order is scheduled for Friday, August 1, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas.
The TRO was obtained this past Friday at 4;57 PM out of the 131st District Court of Bexar County.  The court is presided over by John Gabriel.  John Gabriel is of Jonny Gabriel fame, associated with LULAC Council 2 in San Antonio, a council that is allied with Moran, Rosales, Vera and Escobar.  Might be some recusing in a few days.
Close the doors, secure the windows.  The crooks are in the LULAC house.

Word on the LULAC street is that Moran, Rosales, Vera and Escobar plan to cancel the National Convention in Utah, that is, not have it, this way they do not have to cancel it in Utah.  Based on their smart thinking, LULAC'ers would be saving lots of money by not having to attend a convention that is going to be cancelled anyway.
Word on the LULAC street has it that the Crooks Committee of Moran, Rosales, Vera and Escobar plan to amend the LULAC Constitution to have only four officers in LULAC, Moran as National President, Rosales as Immediate Past National President, Vera as God and Escobar as the Devil.  They want to limit a member's term in LULAC to one year per life time and extend the terms of their offices to life, excuse me, infinity, since they are going to defy the laws of nature and live forever.
Oh, the Editor forgot to mention Elia Mendoza.  You see the TRO was filed on behalf of Rosa Rosales and Elia Mendoza.  Both are claiming that the 825 delegates who voted  for Maggie Rivera and her slate of officers harmed them.  Who can you harm a crook?  The Editor would call it self defense.  You would have to be a dumb p... (stupid in Spanish that starts with a "p") to just stand still while the crooks breaks into your house, rapes your family, steals your possessions and burns your house down.
Had Maggie Rivera's people not filed their TRO to strike down the Machine Rule 12 and 21, Maggie and her supporters would today be on the outside looking in.  Vera and Escobar would not have permitted the counting of the delegate votes and Vera would have declared Roger Rocha and his slate the winners.  Today we have a dog fight.  LULAC is waiting to see who wins.  Will it be the crooks and thieves or will it be Maggie Rivera, Tonto and the Lone Ranger?

Read the Rosales/Mendoza TRO against Maggie Rivera and the Good People in LULAC and the lawsuit here:

TRO - Mendoza et al., v LaGuerre, et al.

Lawsuit - Mendoza et al., v LaGuerre, et al. 

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